'Flamenco From Head to Toe' - An introductory dance workshop on basic Flamenco steps and its history, on Saturday, 2nd Nov, 11AM - 4PM at Ave 29, Mumbai.

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Cuisines & Culture

A mention of India today immediately conjures up images of the Taj Mahal and Slumdog Millionaire in the minds of foreigners. But until this latest wave of Indophilia struck, India had an entirely different association in the eyes of the rest of the globe. For centuries, the ancient world saw India as the Land of […]

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Literature to cinema – breaking the code

Undoubtedly we are a culture of storytellers. Our day to day living, our performing arts, our literature all are filled with fascinating stories that take us on journeys, uphold values, preach morality, pose riddles and also offer profound philosophy questioning the very nature of life and living, and mirroring the purpose of our existence. Story […]

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Cuisines & Culture

A mention of India today immediately conjures up images of the Taj Mahal and Slumdog Millionaire in the minds of foreigners. But until this latest wave of Indophilia struck, India had an entirely different association in the eyes of the rest of the globe. For centuries, the ancient world saw India as the Land of […]

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